Specialty Show CAC 15.9.2024

CATALOGUE 15.9.2024

Specialty Show with CAC/CAJC 15.9.2024.
Areal Donnautess Vojka nad Dunajom GPS 47.97770452747224, 17.383732885980358

CAJC**, JrCC**, CAC*, CC**, ResCAC, ResCC,
Specilaty Show Junior Winner, Specilaty Show Winner
BOJ, BOB, BOS, BIS, BIS junior, BIS Veteran, BIS Honor class

My life related to cynology and Bichon frise began in 2002, when I got my first female after a years of love and sincere dedication to the dogs. In the beginning it was a light hobby and fascination with the breed, which further resulted as an increasing interest in quality breeding and showing. After that, together with my friend with whom I share the same “visions” about the breed, the “Kamians” story has started.

Our breeding includes a sufficient number of litters, among which there were really high-quality dogs, successful now all over the world. Among them we certainly need to mention a female who became the first Serbian international champion in the breed as well as the first “Junior European winner” of Serbian breeding under our ownership. Our breeding includes healthy and high quality tested dogs. We are proud of a large number of international and national champions, who successfully compete at all continents. In breeding, we try to import and use healthy and high-quality dogs of good and typical temperament.

Traveling to shows all over Europe, I met quality dogs of different breeds who aroused my curiosity to learn more about them. Attending the Canine Academy at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Belgrade, I became a national judge for all dogs from the Companion and toy group and three years later bacame an International judge. It is a special honor that in the world of cynology, I am perceived as a specialist, and in addition to numerous of international and national domestic and foreign shows, I am mostly invited to judge Special shows.

The worth of mention is that Im also the member of Bichon and toy dog clubs in few different countries with huge interest in health due to my main ocupation in Human medicine.

Also,a special talent in grooming led me to the world of teaching so I´m also very active in holding Bichon frise grooming seminars around the Europe.

Judging this Specialty in Slovakia will be a true pleasure and I look forward to many nice and happy dogs and their owners.

1st Closing Date – 11.8.2024 | 2nd Closing Date – 1.9.2024

ATTENTION – registration is exclusively online via the portal www.clubdogshow.sk – registrations will not be possible after the 2nd entry deadline!

* CAC + CAJC = Certificat d´Aptitude au Championat + Certificat d´Aptitude au Junior Championat

** CC + JrCC = Certificat d´Aptitude au Club Championat + Certificat d´Aptitude au Club Junior Championat

Program of the show:


Entering the dogs


Start of judging


After judging in the ring final competitions start.


Minor puppy

correctly vaccinated puppies up to 6 months


6 – 9 months


9 – 18 months


15 – 24 months


from 15 months


from 15 months and over (Championship certificate compulsory)


for dogs with titles C.I.B., Champion, National winner and Club winner (Title certificate compulsory) in this class no CAC/CC is awarded
in this class no CAC/CC is awarded.


from 8 years, in this class no CAC/CC is awarded

Qualifying certificates:


may be awarded in junior class with grade „Excellent 1“, for males and females separately


may be awarded in intermediate, open and champion class with grade „Excellent 1“, for males and females separately


may be awarded in intermediate, open and champion class with grade „Excellent 2“, for males and females separately


Winner of special show junior

is awarded to males and females in the junior class with CAJC

Specialty Show Winner

the best CAC male/female – males and females in the breed separately, awarded with CAC in intermediate, open and champion class


males and females awarded with title Junior club winner or Junior winner of special show in the breed compete for this title


Best of Breed –
males and females awarded with title or Junior winner of special show, Winner of special show and veterans graded “Excellent 1” compete for this title


Best of Opposite Sex – after awarding the BOB title the remaining individuals of the opposite sex compete for this title.

Final competitions:

Child & dog

competition of children from 3 to 9 years old and their dogs.

Junior Handling 1st cat.

competition of young exhibitors from 9 to 13 years old.

Junior Handling 2nd cat.

competition of young exhibitors from 14 to 17 years old.


competition for males and females awarded with BOS title the best BOS is awarded.


Best Buddies

competition for males and females, which was not awarded with BOJ, BOS and BOB

titles all the breeds judged at the show are entering the ring, males and females together, the best couple is awarded (exhibitor and the dog).

Best Hobby dog

competition for individuals of all breeds covered in BKS; the registered dog must have a Pedigree and can but may not have breeding certificate; the individual´s coat does not have to be in show condition; males and females compete together; the three most beautiful individuals are rated.

BIS Couple

the owner can enter into this competition his/her male and female, which was judged at the show.

BIS Bredeer´s group

the breeder can enter into this competition at least three individuals from his/her kennel from at least two different litters and from at least two different sires or dams, they do not have to be in breeder´s ownership.

BIS Baby male

males from minor puppy class awareded with grade “Very promising 1” enter this competition.

BIS Baby female

females from puppy class awarded with grade “Very promising 1” enter this competition.

BIS Puppy male

males from puppy class awarded with grade “Very promising 1” enter this competition.

BIS Puppy female

females from puppy class awarded with grade “Very promising 1” enter this competition.

BIS Honor class

individuals awarded with grade “Excellent 1” in the honor class enter this competition, males and females together.

BIS Veteran

individuals awarded with grade “Excellent 1” in the veteran class enter this competition, males and females together.

BIS Junior

individuals awarded with BOJ title enter this competition.


individuals awarded with BOB title enter this competition.



Member BKS

non Member BKS


1st Closing Date 11.8.2024

2nd Closing Date 1.9.2024

1st Closing Date 11.8.2024

2nd Closing Date 1.9.2024

1st dog (junior, intermediate, open, champion class)

30,00 €

35,00 €

38,00 €

44,00 €

Each other dog (junior, intermediate, open, champion class)

25,00 €

30,00 €

32,00 €

38,00 €

Honor class

5,00 €

10,00 €

10,00 €

15,00 €

ostatné (trieda mladšieho dorastu, dorastu, veteránov)

10,00 €

15,00 €

13,00 €

19,00 €

competitions (child & dog, junior handling, best couple, breeding group)

10,00 €

15,00 €

13,00 €

19,00 €

Payment on the showground will only be accepted from exhibitors from abroad in the amount of the 2nd entry deadline + 5 € for each registered dog!

Advertisement for breeders in the catalogue:

1/2 page 5 € | 1 full page 10 €

Bank details:
Bichon klub Slovensko, Krátka 372/3, 929 01 Malé Dvorníky
ccount No
Account No.: 5068081225/0900 – Slovenská Sporiteľňa
IBAN: SK43 0900 0000 0050 6808 1225,

General provisions:

The show is organized according to the reglements of FCI and SKJ and the regulations issued by the organizer. Only individuals registered in the studbooks recognized by the FCI can take part in the show. A readable copy of the dog’s original pedigree must be attached to each application. Each entered dog registered must have a pedigree, proof of registration (puppy card) is not enough. Applications for dogs for which the pedigree certificate issued by the FCI-recognized studbook will not be uploaded to the online system will be automatically deleted (this also applies to minor puppy and puppy classes). The organizer has the right not to accept the application without stating the reason. It is not possible to enter a dog on the day of the show. It is not possible to transfer a dog to another class on the day of the show. If the show is not held for reasons beyond the control of the organizer, the entry fees will be used to cover the incurred costs.

A judge is obliged to disqualify aggressive dogs. Provoking dogs against each other is not allowed. The use of sprays, powders and other cosmetic products is prohibited. Double handling of dogs from outside of the ring is prohibited. It is strictly forbidden to leave dogs tied up on trimming tables except the time they are being prepared for the show (trimmed, brushed or combed). Violation of these prohibitions may result in the exclusion of the dog from the show.

The judges judge according to valid breed standards issued by the Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI). The judge may refuse to judge a dog that enters the ring late.

Selling puppies at the exhibition grounds is strictly forbidden!

The organizer is not responsible for damages caused by the dog or to the dog. The owner is responsible for all damage caused by his dog.

The exhibitor is responsible for the well-being of his dog at the show He must not expose him to situations that could endanger his health or even his life, e.g. leave it in the car in extreme winter or heat or treat it cruelly. Anyone who violates these principles will be excluded from this and subsequent shows.

The exhibitor by entering the dog for the show as a person concerned in accordance with § 13 of Act no. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data, gives its consent to the organizer for the processing of his personal data (name, surname) and agrees to their publication (name, surname), photo documentation and results of the show on the organizer’s website.

Veterinárne predpisy:

Each dog must have a vaccination certificate with valid vaccinations against rabies, distemper, parvovirus and hepatitis. Dogs from abroad must have a PET PASSPORT with valid vaccinations.

Warning! We accept payments from foreign exhibitors only by bank transfer. We do not accept EUROGIRO vouchers! Postal and bank charges are paid by the exhibitor.

Kynologický areál Donnautess, Vojka nad Dunajom
Kynologický areál Donnautess, Vojka nad Dunajom